How does heart rate and heart rate variability change over the day in men and women? A database analysis of Ultrahuman Ring AIR users

Prejwal Prabhakaran, Sama Dalal, Prakhar Chauhan, Ved Asudani, Bhuvan Srinivasan, Aditi Bhattacharya.
Objective: Investigate gender-specific patterns in daytime heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV).
Data: Analyzed HR data from 24,477 males and 10,987 females Ultrahuman Ring AIR users across 165 countries over 30 days.
- Women generally exhibited higher HR and better HRV during daytime (9am-3pm) compared to men.
- Men in most countries had peak HR in the evening (5-9pm), while women's peak HR varied by country, suggesting different stressors.
- Lowest HR for both genders occurred during sleep.
Conclusion: Hourly HR profiles and gender differences warrant further investigation
Background and Rationale
Gender contribution to stress and overall heart health is a significant public health concern with strong socio-cultural components.  Understanding the same is critical to tailoring preventive and wellness programs. Analysis and information on this topic is widespread and largely the consensus is that men and women face similar stressors such as financial, familial and professional. However the diverse roles taken on by women often do not overlap and require distinct attention 1. Consequently, it is expected that women would report higher physiological stress on any given day than men, independent of any diurnal rhythms.
The Ultrahuman Stress Rhythm Score (SRS) is a unique feature that tracks changes in heartbeat and rhythm in concert with circadian cycle. This enables users to record their beneficial stress (like exercise or pleasurable activities) and harmful stress throughout the day, helping manage their stressors better with breathing exercises. The ultimate aim is to provide insights that would promote sleep and recovery.
The circadian rhythm, a 24-hour cycle regulating  physiological processes, can be divided into four phases: phase minima, phase advance, circadian dead zone, and phase delay 2. Phase minima is when physiological processes reach their lowest tone, usually in deep sleep usually between 3-7a.m. Phase advance period usually is associated with when the individual awakens and starts activities. Circadian dead zone is a period when the body's clock is less responsive to external cues such as sunlight, while phase delay is a period in which the body functions slowly start to prepare for sleep and rest. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) exhibit circadian variations influenced by these phases, with HR and HRV potentially showing earlier or later peaks and troughs during phase advance or delay 3.
Circular representation of circadian phases.
In previous white papers we undertook a multi-country analysis of SRS and found global patterns consistent with earlier research. In addition, we carried out a gender-specific analysis 4, which revealed that men generally experience higher stress as compared to women at younger ages and whereas women over 55 years exhibit higher stress levels. This result is dissonant with conventional wisdom that women between the ages of 25-45 years, who juggle multiple roles, should have higher stress levels.
One plausible explanation that we explore in this sub-analysis is whether women have higher physiologically reported stress (as measured by heart rate) within a circadian permissive window, which might enable them to better manage sleep and recovery. This nuanced understanding could inform more targeted stress management strategies for different demographics.
The user base for this analysis was described earlier here. We tracked Ultrahuman Ring AIR users’ stress levels across 165 countries by examining SRS, from May 1st to July 20th, 2024. We limited our analysis to include countries with greater than 100 users, resulting in a total of 932,697 data points from 24,477 male and 10,987 female users. Time- and user-averaged HR and HRV values at the country level were derived in 3h bins starting from 12 am midnight to 11:50 p.m. local time the following day.
Statistical analysis in Figure 1 was carried out using unpaired t-test at specific time points comparing male and female derived average HR or HRV at a country level. The tests were performed using the statsmodels and SciPy packages available in Python. The analysis, conducted in compliance with Ultrahuman’s terms of use, involved deidentified data. Data analysts had no contact with any of users.
Women have higher heart rate and heart rate variability in phase dead zone
In our analysis cohort, we found that women had a consistently higher average HR in sleep and across the daytime as compared to men, overlapping only in the evening (Figure 1a). Interestingly their HRV seemed to undergo shifts across sleep (12-6 a.m.) being lower, increasingly sharply around 7 a.m., and remaining higher across the day until bedtime (Figure 1b). Average HR in the morning (9 a.m.) was significantly higher in women as compared to men, whereas HRV was significantly higher between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. between the sexes.
Figure 1: Time-series line curves of changing average HR (left panel) and HRV (right panel) across all countries for male and female users. N=165 indicating the country's gender-average at each time point. *,**, *** denote p<0.05, 0.01, 0.001 respectively. Error bars represent S.E.M.
Men and women have different times of HR peaks in the day: Analysis across countries
Since the SRS relies on HR synchrony with the diurnal circadian cycle, we looked to see across the world the most frequent times of the day at which the lowest and highest HR was registered. Interestingly, we found that among men, highest HR was reported in the evening in the majority of the countries, in the phase delay period (Figure 2a). Women displayed a less distinct pattern of HR maxima with different clusters of countries reporting HR maxima at different times. On deeper analysis, we found no discernible geographic pattern relating women of specific countries reporting HR maxima at specific times. Lowest HR was reported at phase advance, deep sleep time as expected from sleep data for both men and women alike (Figure 2b).
Figure 2:  Graphical representation of country wise counts of highest (left panel) and lowest (right panel) heart rate in men and women.
Conclusions, Limitations and Future Directions
Subtle differences between men’s and women’s resting HR are well documented, primarily attributed to the larger size of male bodies. Generally, women’s HR is found to be 5-6 bpm higher than men’s 5. HRV in males has also been reported to be generally higher than that of women in nominally “healthy” individuals 6. Another fundamental difference between genders is their reliance on specific arms of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to regulate HR and HRV. Females have been shown to have a greater reliance on the parasympathetic arm of the ANS to regulate vagus nerve tone that regulates heart output 7. This reliance has a strong hormonal basis, which diminishes with age and is likely a significant predictor of women developing cardiovascular disease. However, most HR and HRV data reported has been of combined day-wise averages which loses the temporal information critical to finding associations between lifestyles and these parameters.
Wearables with near-continuous PPG-derived HR measurements can bridge the gap between resting HR, sleep HRV, and daytime patterns. The insights gained from mapping lifestyle factors, such as professional and personal activities, are invaluable for optimising health and longevity. For instance, our analysis revealed that a larger proportion of men reach their peak HR in the evening, a time when elevated HR can be detrimental to sleep and recovery. Women, on the other hand, exhibited more variable HR peaks but generally maintained their stress exposure within the circadian dead zone. This pattern likely contributed to an improved overall Stress Rhythm Score (SRS) for women in our previous country-level analysis which relies on dynamic HR values.
It is important to note that the conclusions derived from this analysis are solely based on HR recorded from the Ultrahuman Ring AIR. The fact that we didn’t find any continental or hemisphere-centric trends in HR maxima at specific times of the day for women, underscores the need for additional lifestyle related information. As mentioned earlier, the user base of Ultrahuman is largely professionals, athletes and active individuals with few clinical conditions; the results are representative of that particular demographic profile. Consequently, there is limited generalizability of these results to a global population. It is equally possible that women are consciously aligning their activities to circadian cycles or that they are influenced more by familial commitments that are restricted to specific times of the day.
The evidence that disrupted diurnal rhythms and modern lifestyle diseases is largely related to sleep-wake cycles. This is limited research into the benefits of aligning circadian rhythms for overall cardiovascular health. Research abounds in animal models to support this notion. There is a critical need to gather more real evidence around this, keeping in mind gender- and age-related demographic changes, to better tailor evidence-based prevention and perhaps intervention as well 8.
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