Seasonal Sleep and Recovery Patterns of Ultrahuman Ring AIR users: A Multi-country Analysis of Latitude Effects

Ved Asudani, Sama Dalal, Prejwal Prabhakaran, Bhuvan Srinivasan, Aditi Bhattacharya
We analysed data from 4,703 Ultrahuman Ring AIR users across 88 northern latitude countries over six months to understand the impact of latitude and seasonal sunlight variation on sleep and recovery patterns.
Users were divided into two groups by latitude: temperate (above the 50th parallel north) and equatorial (below the 15th parallel north). We examined sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep heart rate variability, and resting heart rate.
Temperate region users consistently slept longer (~7.3 hours/night) and had higher sleep efficiency (~90%) compared to equatorial users (~6.6 hours/night, ~88.5% efficiency), regardless of seasonal changes.
Seasonal variations were observed in sleep HRV and resting heart rate. Equatorial users exhibited better recovery and sleep quality during winter months, while temperate users showed improved recovery and sleep quality during summer months.
These findings suggest a complex relationship between latitude, seasonal light exposure, and sleep patterns, highlighting the need for tailored sleep recommendations based on geographical location and season.
Background and Rationale
In recent years, there has been growing interest in how environmental factors, particularly those related to geographical location, affect sleep patterns and quality 1. One notable factor that has been of continued interest is the impact of latitude on sleep, due to the large variance in seasonal sunlight exposure 2.
Higher latitude regions (above 30 degrees North or South) experience noticeable fluctuations in daylight hours, with extended sunlight in summer and shorter, darker days in winter. These variations can significantly impact the human circadian rhythm - the internal biological clock regulating our sleep-wake cycle 3. The sunlight-circadian rhythm connection is primarily influenced by melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. Light exposure, especially sunlight, suppresses melatonin production, signaling alertness to the circadian pacemaker, while darkness increases melatonin levels, preparing the body for sleep 3.
Given these stark differences in daylight duration between seasons at higher latitudes, it is reasonable to hypothesise that individuals in these areas may experience notable changes in their sleep patterns. However, with advances in technology, artificial lighting, and extended activity hours, these factors may alter seasonal changes in sleep patterns by creating a more uniform light environment 4. There is a gap in understanding how seasonal patterns and social behaviour impact the sleep and recovery patterns of residents in higher latitudes in real-world settings. Much of the existing research has focused on individual countries, resulting in a lack of information on how latitude affects sleep quality and duration across different regions 2.
The Ultrahuman Ring AIR offers a unique opportunity to address the knowledge gap. This study aims to assess whether changes in latitude impact sleep and recovery due to varying levels of seasonal sunlight exposure or whether the sleeping patterns of these individuals remain constant, independent of seasons.
Data was collected from 24,910 Ultrahuman Ring AIR users (15,492 male; 8,316 female) across 88 northern latitude countries over six months, from January 28 to June 22, 2024. We applied a secondary filter to retain only countries above the 50th parallel north (temperate, with more than 3 hours of sunlight variation annually) and below the 15th parallel north (equatorial, with minimal sunlight changes). This selection resulted in a sample of 4,703 users (3,107 male; 1,393 female) forming two groups with substantial differences in seasonal sunlight exposure. The 6-month period allowed us to track winter-spring-summer transitions.
We analysed the following metrics in both groups: sleep duration, sleep efficiency (the fraction of time spent asleep with respect to the total time in a sleep session), sleep heart rate variability (HRV), and resting heart rate (RHR). We excluded the period from April 6 to 9, 2024, from the sleep efficiency analysis due to systemic firmware updates on the Ultrahuman app.
The analysis, conducted in compliance with the Ultrahuman Ring AIR application's terms of use, involved de-identified data to ensure user privacy. Data analysts had no direct contact with any users.
Temperate country residents sleep longer and have higher sleep efficiency - regardless of the season
We compared sleep duration and efficiency in both the temperate and equatorial groups to determine how sleep profiles are affected by varying sunlight exposure. Our results show that, regardless of seasonal changes in sunlight, users in temperate countries slept longer on average than those in equatorial countries (Figure 1a). The temperate group slept on average for ~437 minutes (~7.3 hours) every night, whereas the equatorial group slept on average for ~395 minutes (~6.6 hours) every night.
Similar to sleep duration, we found that sleep efficiency was also higher in temperate countries compared to equatorial countries. Although sleep efficiency was comparable between groups for parts of the winter months (February and March), the temperate group’s sleep efficiency remained consistently higher over the study period (Figure 1b). We observed that sleep efficiency in the temperate group was ~90% on average, whereas that of the equatorial group was ~88.5% on average. We also noticed a pattern of higher variation in sleep duration and efficiency over the winter months (February-March) in both groups, which became more homogenous as temperatures rose.
Figure 1: Average a) sleep duration and b) sleep efficiency across users from January 28 to June 22, 2024, for temperate and equatorial countries. The shaded region indicates the standard error of the mean.
Recovery patterns and sleep quality are impacted differently in both groups based on the season
Sleep HRV is associated with nocturnal recovery and daily readiness; poor recovery often corresponds with decreased HRV 5. We tracked HRV across time in both latitude groups to evaluate the impact of varying sunlight exposure on recovery. Surprisingly, our findings suggest that recovery was higher in equatorial countries during the winter months compared to temperate countries - despite lower sleep duration and efficiency for the same time period. This can be explained by the consistently higher HRV in the equatorial group compared to that of the temperate group from February to March 2024 (Figure 2a). However, during the summer months, when sunlight exposure was highest, this trend reversed; the temperate group exhibited better recovery than the equatorial group. This is highlighted by the temperate group’s consistently higher HRV compared to that of the equatorial group from May to end June 2024 (Figure 2a).
RHR is another marker related to sleep quality; poor sleep quality often corresponds with elevated RHR 6. In contrast to sleep HRV, there was less variation in RHR during the winter months between the two groups. However, over time, a divergence in the curves emerged. As shown in Figure 2b, the RHR of Ring AIR users in temperate countries decreased while that of the equatorial group increased, reflecting the results of the sleep HRV shown in Figure 2a.
Figure 2: Average a) sleep HRV and b) resting heart rate across users from January 28 to June 22, 2024, for temperate and equatorial countries. The shaded region indicates the standard error of the mean.
Conclusions, Limitations and Future Directions
Human beings have been adapting to their environment for the past several thousand years. However, with the advent of modern technology, as a race, we have been able to create inventions such as indoor heating, incandescent and LED lighting, and other forms of home environment control that have profoundly lessened our exposure to climatic variations. In addition, these technologies have allowed us to remain awake and productive for a longer period of time. Hence, the seasonal variations in modern-day populations are influenced more by socio-economic drivers, through access to technology that controls home environments. The cost of this change has likely caused a modified circadian cycle that is influenced more by indoor factors than outdoor ones.
Our analysis supports this notion by revealing that the sleep volume and efficiency of residents of countries with wide ranges in sunlight remained unchanged. However, sleep recovery measured by sleep HRV and RHR, which are sensitive to temperature, indoor air quality, etc., seems to have been affected more 7. In contrast, during the winter months, residents of equatorial countries may have spent more time in tune with the external environment, which, with climbing temperatures, was negated over the study period. It is also possible that lack of exposure to sunlight is more associated with sleep recovery than sleep duration. In temperate countries, this may have been due to a genuine lack of sunlight in the January-March period, while in equatorial countries, this may be due to spending more time indoors between April and June.
This initial survey of large-scale population behaviours will inform our future investigations. We did not perform detailed statistical analysis but rather opted to profile a longitudinal description of data reporting to promote more reflection and discussion on these patterns. We did not remove any outliers or users with changes in time zones or latitudes; however, we noticed that the contribution of this subset was remarkably small.
In summary, with global changes in climate that have already started to make their impact felt, it becomes crucial to evaluate the contributions of indoor vs. outdoor cues to an individual’s sleep profile. A study published in The Lancet investigated the link between exposure to light at night and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes 8. The researchers analysed a large cohort from the UK BioBank and found that high levels of nighttime light exposure significantly increased the risk of developing diabetes (increased glycemic dysregulation). Specifically, those in the highest exposure groups had a 53% higher risk compared to those with the lowest exposure. Such studies are critical for overall population wellness worldwide, and wearables such as the Ultrahuman AIR, coupled with HomeHealth 9, are uniquely poised to support such data gathering and subsequent insight analytics.
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